Combating Autism with Diet and Nutrition


This year 1 out of every 54 kids was diagnosed with autism.

Let that sink in. The odds feel pretty grim honestly. Boys are 4x more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls and when early intervention affords the best opportunity for healthy development, we should really start paying attention to the contributing factors, including diet and nutrition.

Meet Dr. Kartzinel:

On this week’s episode we’re speaking with an expert on the subject, Dr. Jerry Kartzinel. He’s been a practicing Board Certified Pediatrician for over 35 years. After a decade of general private practice, Dr. Kartzinel’s 4th son was diagnosed with autism. For the past 25 years he’s dedicated his career to caring for children who struggle with medical conditions including autism, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic gut problems, and sleep disruptions. He uses an integrative approach utilizing supplements, diet modification, and prescription medications if necessary to formulate personal treatment plans to fit the needs of each patient (which is incredible).

Dr. Kartzinel shares with us about natural options for kids battling chronic gut issues, a nutritional game plan for kids who might be on the spectrum, and even options to restore restful sleep for our kids. Enjoy!

Some Autistic Children health topics We Discuss:

  • If a child is constipated, what are some things parents can do before using Miralax? (5:54)

  • What types of magnesium are best to use for different purposes? (10:15)

  • What does Dr. Kartzinel look for when he’s analyzing stool samples in these children? (13:54)

  • What is the basic nutrition plan for autistic children that don’t eat well? (20:10)

  • Are there any major takeaways for helping autistic children sleep well? (26:53)

Some Key Takeaways For Autistic Children from this Episode:

  • One of the first things to do is remove all gluten and dairy from the diet. (7:15)

  • Magnesium Citrate would be ideal for a natural option for constipation if the child is willing to take it. (10:38)

  • Mold and yeast are devastating to our health. (19:02)

  • Vitamin D is essential but it will work behind the scenes. (20:45)

  • A study was done that autistic children don’t naturally produce as much melatonin, so supplementing with melatonin can help with sleep issues. (28:37)

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Brian Strickland: Hey everyone, and welcome back to The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we believe in the body's capacity for self healing if it's given the proper nutrients and care it deserves. Thank you so much for tuning in today. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show and here with me in the studio as always is your host Ed Jones. Today we have a truly special guest someone Ed has been wanting on the podcast for quite some time, [00:01:01] Dr. Jerry Kartzinel. Dr. Kartzinel is a board-certified pediatrician and a Fellow The American Academy of Pediatrics who specializes in treating children who are on the Autism Spectrum. He practices a type of Integrative Medicine that combines supplements, diet modification, and prescription medication if necessary. He's a great guy and we couldn't be more happy to have them on the show. And today we're talking about gut health challenges in kids, nutritional approaches for autistic children, and even some natural solutions to restore sleep in kids as well. This is an absolutely packed episode. So let's go ahead and get straight into it. Here is your host, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones: Thank you so much Brian. And you know, I've said it many times on the Holistic Navigator that you know, I'm very excited about the guest coming on because about half of my podcasts are me personally and then the other half are people that I find very special or [00:02:01] gifted inThey certain areas that can help us to achieve goals in health that you may not be able to access through conventional knowledge. Well today I have a grand opportunity. I'm absolutely been looking forward to this podcast more in the past few weeks than any that I have had in 94 podcasts and the one reason is because the need is so deep and severe regarding autistic children and there was a gentleman that I have just I can't really forget him because I met Dr. Kartzinel I'd guess it was five years six years ago. He had come to my local town and actually gave a lecture on autism to a pretty good large group here because people are hungry for this information. He also did a think an online lecture for us too and so [00:03:01] I'm not going to waste any time, Dr. Kartzinel I want to say before I introduce him is a board-certified pediatrician and a fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics. He does specialize in treatment and management of autism, anxiety, neurodevelopment disorders, chronic neuro inflammatory diseases and hormone dysfunctions in children and after receiving his medical degree in Saint Louis University School of Medicine, he completed his residency in pediatric medicine the Air Force and he has practiced General Pediatrics in private practice for many years until his fourth son Joshua was diagnosed with autism. Well, Dr. Kartzinel, I've seen him on many talk shows down over the years. He's written several wonderful informative books that have been a lifesaver for parents who could access this. And so Dr. Kartzinel, welcome to the Holistic Navigator.

Dr. Kartzinel: [00:04:02] Thank you so very much for having me on. It's good to be back with you and talking about something I have quite a passion for and maybe some of the parents out there will be quite passionate about recovering their children.

Ed Jones: I love that. Recovering your children. Because what we're being told when you go a conventional medicine route is kind of a standard textbook agenda that is not really delving into the altered chemistry of a child or an adult with autism. And really and truly I like the word functional medicine but also integrative medicine is what you focus on and and what that to me, I would certainly you can explain better. But you're actually looking into the chemistry of an individual and in many multiple ways using nutrition, nourishment, occasionally having to use drugs. You're not just completely one-sided, in order to help the child which then helps the parent, helps the sleep, helps the [00:05:02] you know the mood issues, the constipation, all the things that come with some devastation sometimes with parents that just cannot find any answers for some of their conditions with autism with their children. So I want to focus on two topics if we can, Dr. Kartzinel. I know the importance of gut health, you know many people know and in fact listening to my podcast the Holistic Navigator we focus on the issue of how the gut is not a piece of plumbing. It is an organ that produces tons of different substances from brain chemicals, to immune dysfunction, to things that alter the brain that we have to address for everyone but especially autistic children. But I want to get into real quickly and I still remember you talking five to six or seven years ago about the importance of regularity in autistic children. And I know that there is a time and place to use either [00:06:02] drug. The drug is Miralax. I'm not a huge fan of it unless it's absolutely necessary. And if it is, it is. But I'd like for you to maybe give an opinion on when a parent is dealing with this slow movement constipation. What are some of the options they can do initially to help that situation so at least they can say that they've tried everything possible and if they do have to use Miralax, perhaps they can use less of it?

Dr. Kartzinel: That's good. You know, I always start at the core and the core being the gut and that seems to be impacting our children probably 90%, if not a 100%. These children that I see in my clinic have either constipation issues or diarrhea issues or both, you know, you can have diarrhea basically overflowing the constipation. So sometimes parents will say they have constipation but it's you know, that's exactly what it is. But then I'll have them say it's diarrhea and I'll [00:07:02] say really? And I'll take a x-ray of their gut and it's impacted with stool. So it's kind of overflowing. But your you’re out there and hey, the first thing I do is I remove all gluten and dairy that really benefits 60, 70, 80% of the children just by removing gluten and dairy. They can be constipating in these children. And that will impact their sleep. Things that grow in impacted stools, you know, if you don't I know you probably hit on this a million times. If you don't flush out the sewer system bacteria, yeast, viruses, mold can grow in there. It's 98.6 degrees. It's a dark, moist, wet environment. And you know a lot of our children only eat two, three, four, five things. I mean my son Josh was only eating bacon, Fruit Loops, french fries, Chips Ahoy cookies, chocolate chip cookies and a gallon of milk every day, and that milk was constipating him. He was nutritionally [00:08:02] depleted. I mean what kind of vitamins and minerals are going to get out of chocolate chip cookies or french fries for goodness sake? So these kids come nutritionally to depleted and backed up. You mentioned me relax a lot. The only reason I use that is because it's colorless, odorless, and tasteless so for my kids who only 4 things and they won't take magnesium citrate or they won't take some of the other things that we can use that are more natural, then I do resort to that. But first clean up the diet, gluten-free, dairy-free. Some folks would even go as far as going to soy free and corn free if you can't be tested. And that in itself might be helpful. Then you have to get rid of the the plug and all use glycerin suppositories for the younger children. Obviously, you're not going to do that to a 7, 10, or 14 year old depending on when you start so I like the glycerin suppository. My go-to everything I use I consider [00:09:02] a drug everything I do I mean even vitamin D. There's no such thing as Vitamin D berries. I mean it is a drug and I am going to impact drug levels. I can measure their vitamin D levels in the body. So I think of vitamin C as a medication. When I'm using it at six, seven, eight thousand milligrams a day to move the bowels and some children, I'm using it as a drug, but it's going to be very very safe as opposed to things that have a prescription by them. So I all use anything and everything to help them move your bowels, but like you said, let's work on the diet. First thing I do is I put them on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet and I may or may not get an x-ray. If I don't have a good picture of what's going inside their belly, if it's bloated, if it's gassy, the next thing I'll do is I will get some stool studies and see if I've got overgrowth of yeast or what we call dysbiotic bacteria. Bacteria that shouldn't be there or should be there, but it's growing as a predominant organism and it should be a minor organism. And [00:10:02] there are things that can grow in us to back us up. There are foods that can back us up. This idea if they go to the gastroenterologist and the gastroenterologist as well, you know with autism he's willfully withholding his stool because you've got autism and that's ABA. I mean what animal on God's Earth willfully holds its stool? It's a bunch of rubbish. So anyway, that's kind of my approach there when you say What are the natural things that we can do if we have to reach into our tool chest to help move their bowels and they're willing to take things, I really like magnesium citrate magnesium is very calming and the Magnesium Citrate really does help move the bowels so I can usually get some very good effects with that. I might combine that with prune juice but the prune juice is interesting again. We're working with kids on the autism spectrum. They don't want to see brown in [00:11:02] their water or in their rice milk, and that's a big turn-off just like they don't want to see green like vegetables. So I'll use prune juice if I can get away with that. I’ll use ground flax if I can get that into the children. It's just a matter of tailoring what I can get into that particular child that they'll accept.

Ed Jones: Interesting is what a good offering to parents. Now things like magnesium and I'm not speaking for you would be something they would not just wait till constipation to do. It would be something they would do on going because as we know and I've actually done a podcast on this that magnesium has 300 plus functions in the human body. So it's not, you know, constipation is one of the 300 and it has a lot to do with mental function. So that would be a product you would like and I know in powders it's much easier and some of them taste really good these days so that would be something you would keep them on?

Dr. Kartzinel: Well, I can but keep in mind different magnesium's do different things. So if I'm working in the brain, [00:12:02] I'm going to use magnesium bis glycinate or magnesium l-threonate. If I'm using if I'm going to go to work in the bowels I'm going to use something like magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate or an oxygenated form of magnesium. But those are going to stay primarily in the bowels. That's why when I give magnesium bis glycinate, say I want to calm the brain, I'm not having complaints of diarrhea. It's not stimulating. The bowels is not causing movement. So there are different magnesiums for different purposes. But you're absolutely right any magnesium that does get into the system and a lot of our kids as you probably noticed with adults are magnesium deficient. So they all go on magnesium one form or another in my clinic.

Ed Jones: Yeah, that's interesting. I love magnesium threonate for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and personally I do use a mixture of magnesiums so that I can get the different benefits. So, you know, [00:13:02] and again I know the sensation thing with food is such a hurdle for so many parents and it is you've made it very clear, you know, you just have to do what you can do and you know at the end of everything if like you said Miralax not a perfect solution, but because it's colorless, tasteless, and clear it is there's nothing else in nature that actually does that. But you've given some good options as far as you know to do the other parts and I am totally on board with you with reducing or eliminating the dairy and the gluten. I know it's a tough tough pill to swallow for people. But you know, we're in a world today that you have so many more available options than you and I did 15 years ago or even maybe 10, where the foods never tasted that great and you didn't have that many options. Today I mean you go anywhere and you have options of gluten-free. What stool test do you like? I'm doing one called Onegevity that I just did myself again. Is [00:14:02] there a brand that you prefer?

Dr. Kartzinel: Well, you know, it depends on kind of what you get used to and what you're looking for. And of course cost always has to be in factored into it. And our kids don't give you a placebo effect. So what you see is what you get. I tend to use Doctors Data Comprehensive Stool and parasitology and I pair that with the Great Plains urine organic acid test with the Mycotoxin Panel. So what I'm looking for is I'm looking for predominant organisms that are growing that we call beneficial that parents would think of is the probiotics, you know, the lactobacillus for example. And as you know that one strain of lactobacillus may work great for one of your clients and another strain works better for another client. But they don't work the same on everybody. So I can follow what I'm doing with these tests for [00:15:02] the beneficial. Then you get into the imbalances and again to the stool study will tell me if there's imbalances, heavy growth of one bacteria over another and then of course it will tell me if there are pathogenic bacteria growing in the bowels along with digestive markers looking at malabsorption, maldigestion. So I know if I need to add a digestive enzyme, you know again in kids when you're talking about three, four, five, seven year olds, you can't just say, oh they need digestive enzymes and these probiotics, a digestive enzyme like how do you know some kids don't need a digestive enzyme. Well, everybody knows that kids on the Spectrum need that. Well, no, that's not true. There's no rule book for our kids and because we're trying to get our children to be taking so many things, I don't want one needless thing going in or one cost. You know, some of these digestive enzymes and probiotics are very expensive. If you don't need it, you just can be pooping money down the drain and a lot of effort getting your child to take it. I can look at inflammatory [00:16:02] markers in the bowels to see if they've got markers for chronic inflammation or actually inflammatory bowel diseases, like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease or even this new entity called autistic enterocolitis. I don't know if that's going to actually stick or not as a name. So I can look at those things. And of course if there's blood or white blood cells, puss in the bowels as well. A lot of our kids are bleeding microscopically and their stools. They're just telling us they've got a sick of. The urine organic acid test will tell me about yeast markers, which I'll get in this tool, but I'm also going to get complimented with the organic acid test. If there are parasites you're not going to see that in the urine you're going to see that in the stool, but you will see markers for mold in the urine. And then you'll see markers for clostridia organisms. They are toxin performers. They can cause a lot of problems but they don't grow in the air. So as soon as you get a bowel movement [00:17:02] outside of your body the The air kills it so it's not going to be reported on very easily by the the stool, but the urine will pick that up too. So in other words, I'm trying to look like you like to use the word holistic but I like to look at the whole microflora the bowel flora that we know of in 2020 what's there and healthy and what's not. And then I can decide what I like about the Doctors Data too, is it will tell me natural things. I can kill the critters with and I'm finding way to be oversee or silver that's really helpful or if I have to reach into my tool chest which antibiotics I might have to pick or antifungals which I might have to pick.

Ed Jones: I love your clarity because your experience of this stuff is not taught in school. And so much and I read part of your website that you are about clinical outcomes for patients not about just balancing numbers or looking at papers. And that is what [00:18:02] wisdom is. It's wisdom backed with knowledge. And I've always loved Doctors Data and the organic acid test by Great Plains. There’s nothing like it out there and the thing is don't expect people listening don't expect you to go to your pediatrician and get this because they would even not they would not know how to actually interpret it if they were willing to do it in most cases. And I want to say now early on that I think you can tell how much I view Dr. Kartzinel as a hero in this world. And he does offer telemedicine and that's one of the gifts of covid. and I'm trying to complete a list of personal gifts that I have been granted through this hard times of covid. This is one of many of those. And so people right now listing who's like I'm lost I don't have a health care practitioner who knows any of this you can contact Dr. Kartzinel and he'll give you the information at the end of his website and such. So thank you for that. And so and [00:19:02] again I want to say it very lastly, mold and yeast is devastating to human chemistry and to ailments and to disease. And again, it's not readily accepted by conventional but we have to know that about these issues and how to control them or the you the patient won't generally get better. They could probably get worse. So I think we've covered that pretty dang. Well what you know my frustration sometimes, Dr. Kartzinel, and even though and you know, I play the game very carefully. I'm not crossing the line of treating patients, even though I do a lot of talking and I have for 42 years and people do want to hear my opinions on things. But let's just use the classic example if you were standing next to me at and we were talking to a parent who had a two year old and you know, pulling their hair out with this so many frustrations with their autistic child, and they're not looking to be fixed at [00:20:02] this point. They're wanting to empower themself while they're on the journey of finding someone like you and they want to know what is a basic nutrition plan and you've talked a little bit about the diet eliminating the gluten and the dairy but what supplementary if they're not able yet to do this testing, is there a general consensus in your mind that every single autistic child probably needs blank?

Dr. Kartzinel: Well, when you're talking about children you the problem with that is and you have to look at the weight and I dose things per weight, but you used in example a two-year-old. So a two-year-old. I'm going to put on 1000 IU's of vitamin D3 every day. They're all they're all bad. Okay, they're all they're not sitting outside in the sun or something's disconnected. In other words, even though they're getting sunshine whatever metabolic processes are involved in making vitamin D, they don't. So I love [00:21:02] them to be on vitamin D. But none of the parents are going to thank music or you saying oh I heard your radio show, I put my child on vitamin D and they're a different kid. That's going to work behind the scenes. Okay. Now you have two year olds who will eat everything and two year olds who have a very self limited diet. So therefore those kids who eat everything from produce and fruits and vegetables and they're eating protein and stuff. I don't have to worry as much as the kid who just eats french fries or a lolly pops, candy and the sugary drinks all the time. So I have different ideas. But if you said look just in general, what would you say? They all need omega-3 fatty acids. We can either use the fish oils from reputable brands like Nordic Naturals and Carlson's. We have our own brand here at the office. But they all need omega oils and I start the two-year-old on 2.5 mls twice daily of a high-quality omega oil. They are good for the brain and very good for skin, hair, and [00:22:02] nails. But mainly I'm using it for brain function. If we're going to take them off of their sources of calcium because we're taking the dairy out of their diet, then I do put them on a calcium supplement as well. And then if they need a multivitamin, I will put them on a multivitamin. And not something that's a chewable or a gummy. They just are not designed to be very absorbable or have amounts that are clinically relevant for these kids. I mean they say, oh it has all the vitamins. Yeah. Well how much and how much of it is a good quality? I'll get absorbed. By the way, where was it made? You know, is this coming from China or is this made in the USA in a laboratory or a situation where it's at the highest quality? So we have to look for the highest quality supplements. I like them on vitamins, multi minerals, if I'm not getting any testing and the kit child has been on a lot of antibiotics, recurrent ear infections, sinus infections [00:23:02] lung infections. I've had kids who come in with two dozen antibiotics and nobody has even done a workup to find out why they keep getting ear infections or whatever. I put them on a good probiotic because I know they're going to have some problems. So a good probiotic. multivitamin, omega oil, vitamin D, some source of calcium. And then where I go with my supplements is I tailor it. Are they having problems sleeping? Are they having problems moving their bowels? Are they hyperactive all day? Cause not all kids are hyperactive and then I then start saying okay. I'm going to use these supplements to do this and this and like you said earlier. I'm a clinical doctor. I'm not treating numbers. The labs, they kind of like they kind of tell me where in the pond I'm more likely to catch a fish but they don't necessarily tell me I'm going to catch a fish in that area, but more likely if the lab for example shows me I've got a lot of yeast and I put them on a protocol that kills yeast does the child calm down as a child more focused as a child had better eye contact. Is the child sleeping through the night? Does [00:24:02] that child have less self-injurious behaviors? Aggressive behaviors? And on it goes. So I target then and I bring it bring it down into bite sized amount. What I'm particularly giving this is working for language and that might be B12 and that might be dimethylglycine (DMG) or trimethylglycine. And then I tailored it for the kid and I said, okay, let's do this and let's see if we get some results from whatever we’re trying to do. The child is sleeping through the night. He's having normal bowel movements. She's having great eye contact. She said her first words or she's making more sounds or the echolalia has gone and on it goes. It's pretty complicated.

Ed Jones: It is complicated yet, luckily, we have people like yourself and other practiced people who can help others journey through this. And of course, you mentioned this before, you know cost is a factor because you could spend unlimited amounts of money with these [00:25:02] testings and these supplements but there is a place that you can do this on a, you know, common sense basis. So I want to again encourage people. If you don't have someone you can help go down this path, Dr. Kartzinel can do telemedicine. Which I know of several couple people here locally, and you know Debbie, I'm not going to be your last name. I think she has a statue of you in her house that she waves at every morning because you have been so helpful to her grandson to a point that the course no one else could even come close to. And your advice is extremely sound and you know people who are really only schooled in traditional poopoo all of anything that didn't come out of their textbook, but that's you know, so be it. We just know that it's the way the game is played I guess and that's what a wonderful concise plan of action for people to get started on and that doesn't mean that's the end of the road. That means that you [00:26:02] get started. Then you keep tweaking, you keep learning, you keep investigating and then you work toward a better tool box and you manage these symptoms with more toxic free ways. But this not even symptom management. Sometimes it's actually getting to the root of the issue and I use the analogy of an orchestra if you had an orchestra and there were 500 instruments and musicians playing in it, and it was very out of tune you can't expect to go in and replace one musician and have beautiful music. You're going to have to look at multiple parts of this orchestra. And that's what you're doing as you Dr. Kartzinel with integrative Medicine. Lastly on the sleep issue. Are there any magic bullets or bullet points that you would want to share with the parents who are having those sleep issues with their children?

Dr. Kartzinel: Well, the sleep issues like you said you have to drill down and get to the root cause defect and unfortunately that could be many different things [00:27:02] from anxiety to constipation, bowel pain, nutritional depletion, lack of production of melatonin. So a lot of things. I work with the core first, I can't tell you how many times I put them on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet and get normal stools twice a day. Soft stools and the child sleeps much. Better but when you talk about sleep there, there's several things that can go wrong. A. initiation of asleep. I have kids who cannot go from being with awake to sleep. They just the gets closer to bed time to sleep. They go crazy. And so that's one issue or I have kids to go to sleep fine, but they wake up 4 hours later totally recharged and they're up for the next 20 hours. Then I have the kids who are bopping up and down all night long. They are two or three hours asleep, awake for two three hours, awake and sleep. So there's different sleep patterns that we have to identify and we're going to do about [00:28:02] it. But if you said kind of like you said what in general, what would you do? I assure that they're gluten-free, dairy-free. I think everybody gets that now. Assure they're moving their bowels well in maybe they need a glycerin suppository every day to move the system to move their bowels plus a little bit of magnesium citrate or whatever. And then from the mid-1990s, they actually did when they were looking at this they did a study on children and adults on the autism spectrum and found out that they don't make enough melatonin. And so I would put these kids on melatonin. Look I'm if you're low on thyroid we give you thyroid. My son is an insulin-dependent diabetic. I'm going to give him insulin. If you're low on melatonin, hey, I'm going to give you melatonin. Not a prescription, just regular melatonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan works to keep them asleep. But then I also look at well, how are you putting your kid to sleep? We nursed [00:29:02] him to sleep three hours later. We got them to nurse them again. And then we got nursing again and all of a sudden we've got the kid who was nursing or food dependent or drinking water or being rocked or whatever. So call it sleep hygiene that cleans up the the sleeping mechanisms that are involved in keeping you asleep is pretty pretty close. Everything I do here is complicated but sleep can be very complicated, but it can be unraveled. And I'll tell you my wife even said I just need eight hours of unadulterated sleep and I can put up with whatever during the night now like you said 20-30 years ago. This is all new even to me as a pediatrician. She even asked what Michael Jackson's doctor is doing so he has it. Well, I guess it's an opening. No, I'm not going to give her kid propofol to sleep every night. But sleep can elude us and it can be very devastating for the family for the siblings for Mom for Dad and [00:30:02] can create I've had some parents say, you know, I love my kids very much but not so much at two in the morning. And for those of you who are up at 2:00 in the morning with your child, you know exactly what she was saying.

Ed Jones: Now, that's a basket full of great information. And you are right, you know, we manage sleep. We don't fix it. And in order to do the management part, I believe one is we need to lean strongly toward less toxic ingredients like not doing the drugs and secondly is look at the chemistry of how the human body is designed and you eloquently explained the melatonin issue. Because again, you know, we're in an episode right now, of course many people don't sleep and I did a podcast just myself on sleep because I am a chronic insomniac so I have a pretty good tool box. And I do believe that we have to get we lose the rhythm of sleep through multiple ways in part of it we can help we can do that to our children by [00:31:02] the wrong processes that we use that night that literally keeps them from wanting to sleep on their own and so being a detective and having someone who can help look into these darker places and help you to manage with what wisdom and common sense is so important and I am a big fan of melatonin for anti-aging purposes certainly for immune balancing which we're going through right now. A lot of my podcast with Dr. Michael Smith from Life Extension we talked about using the melatonin to keep the lungs from over acting and it just has so many positives. It does have some negatives. If you do too much I mean, I can be slightly depressed with too much. I can have a sore neck and weird dreams, but you know, they're not devastating. So the devil is in the details and again having someone like you or a practiced person to help manage some of the dosing of it is very important. Tell people so someone's listening now and they have an autistic child what would they want or be [00:32:02] able to do to set up an appointment with you?

Dr. Kartzinel: Oh the easiest is just to email us or go to my website and it website’s really easy. It's or you can just email us at and we'll tell you exactly what's involved and how to do it. And we have a pretty well streamlined. You know, we've been doing this for well pediatric and autism for over 20 years. Now general peds for over 30. So kind of like you have been in this field for a long time, you know doctors nowadays that are being newly minted. They look at autism as an alternative normal development. Okay, I'll normally use the word they use. Well that's normal a lot of kids have [00:33:02] when I was in medical school the number of autistic children was between one-four in ten thousand children and this year in 2020 of all the males born this year 1 in 32 of them will have a diagnosis of autism in the next couple three years. So something's really changed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 32 males. That's a big big difference and I can tell you because I get all the Pediatric later. Nobody's talking about it. Nobody's talking about it. My pediatric magazines and all nothing's talking about the rate of autism. There are no alarms being set off on this. There's no studies coming out. That's why when your parents look on what to do with autism. They're not seeing stuff from UCLA or Syracuse or Florida. You know, nothing is being done and in you and I would say 20 years ago. Hey, well, I'm 20 years. We ought to have this figured out and what to do nobody's dying research [00:34:02] and what really bothers me so our parents have to do the research and now that's getting filtered. You start typing in Google. You're not going to get all the information you need because it's either being taken out of the logarithm or it's so far down. You don't have the patience to go through 90 thousand different ads on autism before you get to the real nitty-gritty.

Ed Jones: Wow you're speaking my language so well, Dr Kartzinel said that same exact thing that this censorship of our type of Ian at this moment is is devastating the common people who want to find the information but don't even realize it's being censored. So all they're saying is the cookie cutter standard info and we're being gathered that we're living in an age of being gassed slighted by the fact that autism is normal. I mean if that doesn't infuriate people to listen and hear that when you especially when you've been around the challenges that come with raising an autistic child not [00:35:02] just for the parents. For the child itself even more. So there's there's some agendas going on that just simply doesn't want us to look for the real cause because because of whatever reasons no need to go there, but I know that we are blessed to have you in this world and information you have done experiences the sharing of it and also The Bravery to step out of a box and because you can make plenty of money for the rest of your life and just be the regular pediatrician and see people and they retire but you need you need more than that you want I can tell because I know you you have a passion to feed your heart and your soul and that is what is going to be your gift. And is your gift for the all of your rest of your days as mine to help educate with truthfulness and common sense. And so the good thing is even though Google can censor things like the Holistic [00:36:02] Navigator. Not censored because we do our own boosting or we do our own ability for people to connect or AdWords or we can get around that censorship but it takes effort and it takes work to do that and I will not stop until my last breath to be able to inform people of truthfulness in this area of health because it's going the wrong way people. It's just going the wrong way and it is going to only get worse probably instead of better. So Dr. Kartzinel I'm just like practically in tears. Thank you so much for taking your busy time out and perhaps in another six months to a year. We can do a part two of this and discuss a few more issues and I would love to have more. Maybe some I'll print out some literature for people I if you have any articles you'd like to share with me. I would like to post a list on the Holistic Navigator. So greetings to you, your family and and and blessings to everything you do because [00:37:02] you are changing the lives of people. And thank you everyone who's listening. I want everyone to start joining my health revolution because the thing is you have to take control of your health today. And if you don't you will lose thank you everyone. Look forward to the next podcast on the Holistic Navigator.

Brian Strickland: The information on this podcast in the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Holistic Navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The Holistic Navigator is not a doctor or doesn't claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.

“I always start at the core, the core being the gut. That seems to be impacting our children probably 90% if not 100% of the time.”

-Dr. Jerry Kartzinel