How To Subdue Adrenal Fatigue with Cheryl Myers (Replay)


How’s your stress level these days? Chances are if you’re anything like us, tensions are running high with quarantine orders still in place throughout most of the country. And while hope for a return to normalcy is in sight, people across the nation have lost jobs, are stuck inside with family, and are trying their best to navigate these uncertain times. With these new sources of stress in our lives, our bodies may have a difficult time coping.

Meet Cheryl:

On this week’s episode we have the opportunity to speak with somebody who can help us navigate these increasingly stressful situations. Cheryl Myers is the Chief of Scientific Affairs & Education for Europharma and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the adrenal glands and adrenal fatigue. She walks us through the function of our adrenal glands, what contributes to adrenal fatigue and many of the common symptoms associated with tired adrenal glands. She and Ed then talk about several options to help return your adrenals to appropriate function, including several wonderful options from our friends at Terry Naturally.

Some Topics We Discuss:

  • What do the adrenal glands do? (3:40)

  • What are the symptoms of people that have adrenal fatigue? (9:52)

  • Should we test our cortisol levels and what should we look for? (13:17)

  • How do we nourish the adrenal glands? (16:48)

  • Is there anyone who should not use Adrenaplex? (23:52)

  • Sleep is an essential part of adrenal function. How do we address that issue? (26:19)

Some Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Hormones determine much of who we are and our hormone mix can determine so many parts of our health. (4:00)

  • Your adrenal glands provide us with the “fight or flight” ability. (5:38)

  • Just because you may not fit a diagnosis of an adrenal disease, does not mean that you don’t need to be looking for signs of less than optimal adrenal function (10:00)

  • DHEA can convert into more than 100 different compounds in your body to help you give you what you need. (19:59)

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Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we talk about all things holistic health and believe in the body's capacity for self healing if given the proper nutrients and care. We just want to take a moment to say thanks for listening today and welcome to any new listeners we might have. [00:01:00] I'm Brian Strickland the producer of the show and I'm joined today in the studio by our host Ed Jones. Yes, if you're anything like us chances are as your stress levels have been riding a little high these days. We're all trying to navigate the uncertainty of the future, staying at home with our families, and the lack of physical and social interaction with other human beings. So on today's episode we're talking with Cheryl Myers the Head of Scientific Affairs and Education at Europharma about how these high stress situations maybe taking a toll on your body resulting in adrenal fatigue. This is a timely conversation and she'll bring some fantastic information surrounding the topic. So let's go ahead and get this started. Here's your host, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones: Thank you Brian very much for the introduction. And yes, we are back here with The Holistic Navigator on a totally separate topic and that will be adrenal fatigue. I know that a lot of people know what that is and perhaps some don't but it's affecting [00:02:00] millions of us because of our work load, our stress load, lack of sleep, many reasons that we will discuss. But the good news is there's always options as you know by listening to me over the past 68 episodes. I'm firmly convinced the body has its own ability to robustly heal if we nourish it correctly. Well today I have a true expert on this topic named Cheryl Myers. She's Chief of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, one of the most reputable and credible companies that has ever been in place in the United States. And welcome Cheryl to The Holistic Navigator.

Cheryl Myers: Well, thank you so much for that kind introduction. It's a pleasure to be here.

Ed Jones: And you know, I want to just say, you know, I've been doing this for 41 years and I watched a lot of people, heard tons of stories, studied intensely my entire life [00:03:00] and the little bitty adrenal glands that sit on you know, on our kidneys in our body rule so much of our quality of life, and I'm not going to get into explaining it. I'll let you do that. But what's happened is we have so many people who are slugging through the day because the adrenals are not able to do their job any longer and there's not a medication that can fix it. There are medicines that can help kind of be a Band-Aid approach, but they're not really going to heal and replenish the adrenal glands. So for everyone listening Cheryl, let's start an intro. What do the adrenal glands do?

Cheryl Myers: Well when we talk about adrenal glands, these are called endocrine glands and endocrine glands are glands that make hormones. And we may think we are who we are, but the truth of the matter is is we're pretty much whoever our hormones tell us to be. So this was driven home to me one [00:04:00] time when I had to have some pretty severe dental surgery for a wisdom tooth that grew in funny. And they were afraid I'd have swellings and they put me on steroid hormones. They put me on steroids for a couple of days and it totally changed my thinking, my energy level, my social boundaries. It was quite a whirlwind of an experience and that was that was many, many years ago, but I've never forgotten that experience. That the way that our bodies the type of hormone mix that we have going on affects everything from our energy level to our ability to heal from injuries to the way that we think. They can even affect our focus and our memory. So the adrenal glands is one of the important ones adrenal glands make adrenal hormones the purpose of which is to give us emergency energy and that might be a bit of an oversimplification. But when I'm talking to people about our glandular network I say that the thyroid gland is responsible for every day energy our minute-to-minute energy. [00:05:00] It's responsible for converting fuel, which is a food we eat into energy. The energy we need for our lungs to pump, and our hearts to beat, and our and our muscles to contract. So I always call the thyroid gland the marathon runner because it has to provide every minute of every day baseline energy. The adrenal glands are sprinters. The adrenal glands sprint into action. When you are in an emergency situation in order to assure that your body has the resources necessary to extricate yourself from any dangerous situations in which you find yourself. So they give you this sudden burst of energy. That's one of the most important activities as they give you a sudden burst of energy when you are in a stressful situation. And I know that people have heard this term. It's a classic psychological term the fight or flight syndrome. When you are walking home after a double shift at your job and maybe somebody called in and you had to pick up extra hours [00:06:00] and you are so tired and you think oh my gosh when I get home, I'm going to fall face forward in my bedI'm not even putting my pajamas on your that fatigued. And when you come around the corner a great big tiger leaps out at you, I 100% guarantee you are not going to be so sleepy that you can't fight back or run away. That's your adrenal glands trying to rescue you. In order to give you that kind of energy, it changes some of the ways that our body works. So it takes resources away from for example our gastrointestinal system because if you're facing a tiger you don't need to digest your food right now and puts them into our muscles. It releases emergency stores of sugar from our liver in order to give us a sudden burst of blood sugar. It revs us right up. You know, your pupils change shape, you break out into a cold sweat, you feel like your hair is standing on end. So that's how powerful and it can happen instantaneously. [00:07:00] That's how powerful our adrenal glands are with that sprinters kind of energy. The thing is though that it's usually not an all-or-nothing situation. It's not just either you're sitting in a hammock enjoying the sunshine or you're facing a tiger. All of us live our lives between those two polar Opposites. And so our adrenal glands are stimulated on a regular basis by all kinds of different things that occur in our environment including psychological stressors, including being ill. People think about stress as a mental state like I'm all stressed out or I'm anxious but stress can also be a physical state as well. If you are infected with bacteria or a virus that puts stress on your body and your adrenal glands have to respond to that stress to try to give your body the emergency energy it needs. If you are locked out of your house and 10 degrees below zero weather you for putting physiological stress on your body and [00:08:00] your adrenal glands leap into action to try to rescue you. So when we look at the adrenal glands, they really are some of your best friends in your body because they are trying to protect you and rescue you. But unfortunately the ways that we live in our modern lives have put an enormous amount of stress on adrenal glands themselves and our adrenal glands can sometimes experience some fatigue. They get tired. They can't respond quite as well as they did and that's when we start to suffer some physical consequences.

Ed Jones: Wow, what an eloquent and perfect explanation. I don't I've never actually heard someone who could go from A to Z as quickly and explain it to that level. Thank you so much Cheryl. So we all know now what they adrenal glands can do. We also I think within our own self realize that over work, over eating, too many carbs all the that I'll let you explain this but so [00:09:00] many things have caused our society to have a adrenal system that has gone from very fully functional when we're a teenager many times to less functional with every passing year. And like you said, the adrenals are made to give us the quick energy and to save our life and to help us journey through challenges. However, it would be like going to the gym I imagine and doing bench pressing all day long. I mean you do some bench presses, you're going to get stronger and are going to work. It's going to make you better. But there's a point of diminishing returns and that's what's happened with our society with lack of nutrients one. And too little sleep and too much pushing and never downtime no silence no meditative periods. So what is the symptoms of people who truly have what we call adrenal fatigue, Cheryl?

Cheryl Myers: Well, when excuse me, when people are experiencing suboptimal adrenal levels, and I have to [00:10:00] say here that unfortunately and I've worked in mainstream medicine for decades before I started to work in integrative medicine. When I worked in mainstream, you know everything you're either a hundred percent well or you're a hundred percent sick. And that's just not the way that hormones work. So individuals may test in a medical test that oh, you're not low enough to be diagnosed with an adrenal disease. But at the same time if you are at the low end of the spectrum versus the high end of the spectrum your life is going to be very very different as far as how you feel every single day. So it doesn't mean that just because you have some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you are in a dire adrenal situation. However, it does indicate that perhaps you need to have something that bolsters your nutrition, that bolsters your adrenal activity that provides raw materials to improve that functionality. So a lot of times with low adrenals, we see that people get exhausted easily both [00:11:00] mentally and physically exhausted. So let's say that you're just tired and people tell you if you want more energy you have to get out and exercise and you force yourself to get on a treadmill or go to an aerobics class and you come home and instead of feeling better. Most people feel better after exercise you feel worse. And in fact, you might be wiped out the rest of the day if something traumatic happens, even if it's not a huge trauma, let's say you have a flat tire it can feels so overwhelming that you just want to walk away and go to bed. These you know psychological traumas are hard to respond to as well. Some people with adrenal problems are intolerant of heat. That's not universal. But sometimes that can be a symptom that they that you know, feel a little overheated. Sometimes people who have lower adrenal function feel very overwhelmed. Sometimes even filled with dread. They don't wake up feeling like today's [00:12:00] a new day life is sunny and beautiful and bright. They think oh my you know, they start to worry right away that something bad is going to happen. And people with low adrenal function can become Class A Warriors because they're focus is on this this feeling in their body that something bad is going to happen. People with low adrenal because they're so exhausted often fall asleep fairly easily at night, but then they pop awake in the middle of the night and they can't get back to sleep and they and they fret and they can't relax. So just some of that sometimes a couple of other things is people who have low adrenal function can crave salt and a little bit to a lesser degree crave sugar because these are our two things that that we sometimes see with people who have low adrenal function.

Ed Jones: That is so informative to people and I know a lot of listeners are going to resonate with that and they're going to say all of these years [00:13:00] I've had similar symptoms and no one has really called it adrenal fatigue. But again I’ve been doing this for four plus decades. It makes total 100% sense. So, you know, tell the listeners the next step. So let's say that well first before that. Let me ask you your opinion. I do recommend a Thorne test kit that we actually offer through the Holistic Navigator under products for testing the cortisol levels. Is that something you find a value? It's a four-time test and in 12 hours.

Cheryl Myers: Well, if anybody could name a single adrenal hormone, they can probably name cortisol because we've seen so much about cortisol. And so when we talk about cortisol is an adrenal hormone, excessive levels are associated with high levels of pressure that you're putting on your adrenal gland and high levels of stress. Excess cortisol in your body is very dysfunctional. It increases your blood sugar levels. [00:14:00] It plays a role in diabetes. It reduces your ability to heal wounds, excess cortisol interferes with your body to be able to repair itself and can make you feel very twitchy and very anxious and can even contribute to obesity. So if you're on the high end, then you need to address things from a different perspective. But when we talk about adrenal fatigue, what we there's three patterns that we see. Either an individual has just overall low cortisol, which means they're not making enough of a necessary hormone for their adrenal glands to function at their optimal level. They may also be making cortisol, but it's very erratic. It's not associated with the body's own natural biorhythms. So they maybe have low cortisol when a healthy person is should be having high cortisol, which is first thing in the morning and then their cortisol levels might be through the roof at bedtime when healthy individuals who don't have adrenal issues [00:15:00] their cortisol is in the basement. So they can have this very erratic cortisol pattern and then you couldn't have individuals that go for days with low cortisol and then something happens and that spurts a little bit. So I do like individuals who are struggling with some of these symptoms for them to understand what's going on with their cortisol, but to recognize that you know that they're you have to put on your thinking cap when you get your results because the they can be sometimes a little bit difficult to interpret. Easy to interpret if they're universally high, easy to interpret if they're universally low, not so easy if they're in those sort of chaotic range.

Ed Jones: But that's we can help people to do that on many levels. So again, that's the Thorne test kit at the Holistic Navigator website under products.

Brian Strickland: Hey guys, we're going to get back to our conversation with Cheryl in just a moment. But we wanted to [00:16:00] take a second to tell you about our sponsor today. Terry Naturally exists to improve the health of America one person at a time and they offer premium supplements that are safe, powerful, and effective. Founded by Terry Lemerond over 50 years ago, they provide everything from essential nutrients to some of the best specialized formulas that anyone has to offer including their popular CuraMed line. Learn more at Terry Naturally- high quality products that deliver high quality results.

Ed Jones: So okay, Cheryl. Let's say that you know, the person is convinced pretty solidly that this is absolutely and it can do it through, you know, good practitioners who practice functional integrative medicine they can do a lot on their own and they want to embrace a natural program that can help to replenish and rebuild this adrenal system. What's the next step?

Cheryl Myers:Well, no matter what natural medicine [00:17:00] or supplement you do you use you can out supplement a bad diet and lack of activity. So, of course the first step and I think folks know this is to you know, eat as healthy a diet as possible, avoid processed food, get that sugar down. You know, sugar is like crack cocaine to your adrenal glands. It is just it sets up a very dysfunctional response in your body. So get that down as far as she can. But moving on from healthy levels of activity and rest and those other non supplemental interventions. There are some supplements that can make a tremendous difference. So the company that I work for has a retail product brand called Terry naturally and one of the products we make is called Adrenaplex. And Andrenaplex is a combination of nutrients each of which address adrenal dysfunction from a different perspective. So there it is, it's almost like a multivitamin mineral formula for your adrenals with a few other things thrown in. So for example, it [00:18:00] has nutritional support number one the B vitamins. The B vitamins are required by your adrenal glands in order to make hormones. They're one of the building blocks. So not only are they necessary for our overall health, but they're especially useful for the adrenal glands. Now our B vitamins can be in the form we find in food or in most supplements which have to be converted in the liver into the active form because so many people that are struggling with their health or not very good converters of the B vitamins. We put in the already converted. These are called bioactive B vitamins. I always call them the Cadillac V B vitamins because no conversion necessary. They are just a premium kind of B vitamins and they go to work immediately. There's also amino acid l-tyrosine. This is another building block raw material that your adrenal gland uses to make those all-important adrenal hormones. And vitamin C. It may surprise folks to find that the only place in your body where you store [00:19:00] measurable amounts of vitamin C is your adrenal glands, so you see that if you are ill or under stress how depleted you could become a vitamin C very quickly. One of the reasons why vitamin C is such an essential adrenal gland nutrient. Now, there's also two herbs and this formula one is called licorice and one's called the Rehmannia. Licorice helps keep cortisol active a little bit longer. So for individuals whose cortisol is erratic or running a little on the low side this doesn't increase the amount your making but once your body makes it, it keeps it around just a little bit longer in order for you to have more healthy benefits from it. In addition to licorice which is very useful we have a little purple flower called Rehmannia and it contains a compound called catalpol which very mildly stimulates overall hormonal production within the adrenal glands. Last but not least there's [00:20:00] three hormones in this product. There's DHEA. DHEA is a hormone that is made in your adrenal glands. And what I love about DHEA is that it's a chameleon. It can change its shape and form into whatever and over a hundred different things that your body may need. So let's say you're a lady going through menopausal changes and all of a sudden you've got a decrease in ovarian function. You're not making nearly as much estrogen as you did a couple weeks ago. A little bit of that DHEA will convert into estrogen to help soften the blow body. We don't like cliff events that likes a nice little taper off. Same thing with gentlemen. If men are going through some issues having to do with reduced testosterone production in the body and the body needs more testosterone a little bit of that DHEA will convert into testosterone. As I said this single hormone can convert into more than 100 different compounds in your body that your body may need in addition to staying itself. That's made in [00:21:00] the adrenal gland and often we see a big dip in DHEA when people are starting to experience adrenal fatigue. The next is Pregnenolone. Pregnenolone again is another one of those hormones that is not only functional as it's in its own form but also is used as a building block to make other adrenal hormones. And last but not least there's an adrenal extract. These are the nutrients found naturally in the adrenal glands of mammals. Our adrenal extract comes from beef. It is from grass-fed source in Argentina where we do a very clean adrenal extract. So this is not a vegetarian formula. It is a very powerful formula. I encourage people to use it first thing in the morning and a second dose at noon. It is not stimulating as in for example, caffeine might be stimulating but I encourage people to try to get their dosing in earlier in the day so that they can replicate your body's own natural biorhythms, which [00:22:00] is your adrenal function should be highest in the early mornings and taper off throughout the day and by evening you don't want to be asking your adrenal glands to rev up because they naturally should be slowing down. So people can adjust the dosage somewhat, but it's generally one to two capsules a day can increase to one to two capsules twice daily.

Ed Jones: Wow, you know so often when I counsel with people and I'm sure that you've done this for decades also, you know, it's really a learning process and I asked a question and open-ended one and they kind of you know, speak for five to eight minutes. And when I put together the pieces so often it's obvious that they have adrenal dysfunction or adrenal weakness based on lifestyle. And I have recommended the Adrenaplex by Terry naturally more than any one product. And I always can look at people in the eye and say of all the products that I probably [00:23:00] could recommend to you and this isn't the fix for all your health now, but for you to feel better in a very short time, I have absolute confidence that this product can probably do that for you and I do explain to them that you need to play with the dose. And that's again my opinion and experience. You know one pill in the morning and one 12 to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and if not feeling it in a couple days go to 2 and 2 and that generally will make it happen. And I do want to tell listeners you can order all of these products we speak about at They are our sponsored link for products. So You can go in there and type in Adrenaplex Terry Naturally and have it shipped to you very very quickly. So are there any people who should not perhaps use Adrenaplex?

Cheryl Myers: Well, for example, if and of course if anybody [00:24:00] has allergies to any of the ingredients, people who are vegetarian because it does have some animal sourced nutrients. If you are, if you take this product and you are feeling very energized too revved up it may be too strong for you. Maybe you need something a little bit milder. We do have an herbal formulation called Adaptra. Adaptra is an herbal formulation. It has two clinically studied herbs with rhodiola and ashwagandha both of which are in their full medicinal doses. They're not in synergistically. I mean it's as genuinely two and one kind of product. And both of these adaptogenic herbs can provide provide a little bit milder simulation, which used for and it is a vegan formula. It's used for individuals who have I would say a little bit more mild to moderate adrenal dysfunction. It's also used by athletes because it increases stamina and endurance. I use this myself when I'm going into [00:25:00] something that's incredibly demanding. I didn't have to do it this year. But for example Expo West the Super Bowl of the natural products industry is extremely stressful and very very long days on a show floor for 12-14 hour days day after day. I start my day with adaptra and I that's my go-to. So the difference between the two formulas is that the Adrenaplex is really powerful and it pushes up. It pushes in one direction. It pushes your adrenal glands and helps to support them to be bigger, stronger, healthier. Adaptra is more about balance. It pushes towards normal. So if your adrenals are a little under active it will help nudge them up. But if they're a little overactive if you're under a lot of stress and you're a little twitchy all the time and you know, maybe the holidays are coming and you don't feel prepared. It's not even necessarily bad stress sometimes even going to a wedding or going on a vacation, even though we may enjoy it is still a stressful event. It [00:26:00] gives you it helps to nudge your body up into a level of mood, and stamina, and strength where you want to be. .

Ed Jones: That's wonderful and I'm glad you reminded me of the Adaptra. Because I do find that for the people who need nudging and I like that word that it's a wonderful combination. Lastly you and I both know and I think even listeners would know that again, supplements cannot fix a terrible diet, but it also cannot fix a lack of sleep. Because the sleep is where we rebuild our body, that's where the adrenals, and the brain, the heart, everything is in the process of cleansing itself Andre nourishing during sleep. Do you have any less suggestions for people who are going through chronic insomnia and and helping them to get that level of sleep that's regenerative rather than that light sleep?

Cheryl Myers: Absolutely. There's so many different interventions a person can use. I have to say [00:27:00] not that I wanted well over much on Adaptra or Adrenaplex that sometimes if you help with daytime function the nighttime function follows. So for example, if you help with the getting the body back into its natural biorhythms of higher cortisol in the morning lower at bedtime by using Adrenaplex then sometimes that in and of itself plays a role in helping to facilitate sleep. But we also have some wonderful products. We have two different types of products. We have an herbal product called Terrific Zzzz that's a blend of essential oils. It's a very gentle and helps people fall asleep stay asleep. I personally really like the we have a family of products called Curamin that are natural pain relievers. We have a Curamin p.m. that helps to alleviate inflammation, which is sometimes something that all individuals especially when we get a little bit older start to struggle with it can interfere with proper sleep. And it uses melatonin, which is [00:28:00] a compound that helps reset our biorhythms to healthier functioning. So fall asleep, stay asleep. There's been great studies on the, you know, the Curamin PM’S melatonin that it enhances the amount of time you spend in stage 3 and stage 4 sleep, you spend more time and dreaming sleep. I will say that with either of these products people may notice some very vivid dreams not necessarily scary but more vivid than perhaps what you've been used to. Well, that's because it is you're helping your body spend more time in that very restorative REM sleep. So when you use it over time, sometimes dreaming will settle down a little bit. But having extra levels of depth with your dreams is a very good thing.

Ed Jones: I love talking to you. I think we could do this on a very regular basis. You have a vast storehouse of experience and knowledge Cheryl and I know listeners are going to feel [00:29:00] less adrenal fatigue because they now have a game plan of a solution. That's going to work if they put the other pieces of their life together again, you know getting to bed on time, you know, managing emfs are important to me. I've written a book on you know, no more sleepless nights. I've done a Holistic Navigator on sleep. I am a chronic Insomniac myself. So any listeners who want to learn at least my take on what is what can we do to help us get to sleep easier and stay asleep deeper. You can go back and some of the maybe 40 or 50 episodes back and listen to my sleep episode. Any last words Cheryl because this has been a 1 it will be one of the most listened-to, I do believe podcast of the past months other than the topic at hand at this moment. But what any last words for people on this?

Cheryl Myers: Well only that, you know, first off if you always work with your health care practitioner. I'm a big believer that we always [00:30:00] get the best outcomes when everybody is pulling in the same direction, so, you know work with people that are knowledgeable in order to understand what's going on with your symptoms that they're not masking something else that's going on that needs perhaps to be addressed. I always say people say if you could only take if you could only do one thing for your health, what would you do? And they always expect me to answer that with a specific supplement but my answer is develop a relationship with a natural products provider that you trust. Somebody that takes the time to do the homework, somebody that takes the time to really sort through the product so that they're only offering the clinically validated products. They've already taken a lot of the guesswork out of it for you. Because it can be difficult and there's a lot of distractors out there, especially some of the fly-by-night companies that we may have seen. I'm sure you've seen as well on the internet that make a lot of unfulfilled promises. If you can get connected to individuals that help guide you to supplements that are clinically validated, [00:31:00] scientifically study that actually contain medicinal amounts of the vitamins, minerals, and herbs that you need you can really see some tremendous health benefits.

Ed Jones: Again, you just echo so much what I say. I tell people very constantly we have to build a team approach as we age to maintain optimal health. The world is too complex to do all your own homework, and you don't know who to trust. The Holistic Navigator, I think we built a great level of trust among listeners and I certainly have a wonderful amount of trust in EuroPharma and Terry. Naturally. I've had Terry Lemerond on my radio show. I've had him speak at our local location and he's just a hero in my mind. And the way that he has put together the company and placed people like yourself is such a value to all of us. So thank you so much Cheryl for being part of The Holistic Navigator.

Cheryl Myers: Thank you so much

Ed Jones: And to all [00:32:00] the listeners as always stay tuned for the upcoming topics will never run out of subjects to speak on but we always will have good options for everyone. Please have a blessed, calm, and safe day. Thank you. This is Ed at The Holistic Navigator.

Brian Strickland: The information on this podcast in the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Holistic Navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The Holistic Navigator is not a doctor or doesn't claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.

“Unfortunately, the ways that we live in our modern lives have put an enormous amount of stress on our adrenal glands themselves. Our adrenal glands experience some fatigue, they get tired, they can’t respond quite as well as they did, and that’s when we start to suffer some physical consequences.”